Reformatioal Study Centre

The aim of RSC is to provide scripturally sound material to those who want to study the Word of God but do not have the resources to do so. We are especially active in Africa and Asia.

Please look around and see who we are and what we do. In everything, we are unworthy servants who have only done our duty (Luke 17:10). The Lord is doing wonderful things. To Him all the glory, now and forever!

Consider supporting our cause? 
Become a supporter for only $2.50 per month


Timothy Project

The Timothy Project is an extension of the Preaching Library. With this project we want to cater for all the other literature and help the preacher needs in his ministry. Where the Preaching Library focuses on help with the preaching of every week, the Timothy Project wants to help with all the other theological topics (doctrine, ethics, pastoral etc.).

Christian Library

The Christian Library is a website. Our motto for this project is: A Scripturally sound library in every home. This webpage was also started with the situation of the third-world countries in mind: everyone who wants to study the Word of God and what it means for one’s life should have the opportunity to do so. With this website we aim to reach not only ministers but all Christians, and all articles in the Christian Study Library are public and accessible to all.

Visit the Christian Study Library

Preaching Library

The Preaching Library is a service that was started in July 2008. It is for ministers in Africa and Asia who did not have sufficient (or any) theological training, or who do not have resources for their sermon preparation. With this project our aim is to refocus ministers on Scripture. For this purpose we supply material that guides them back to the Scripture text, helps them to accurately read what the text is saying, and to understand the meaning of the Scripture passage.

Visit the Preaching Library

While there is some fluctuation between the Canadian Dollar and the South African Rand the agreed-upon cost of supporting a second minister in South Africa is $75000 per annum.  We hope that you prayerfully consider our request for donations to support this worthwhile project.  Cheques may be addressed to Vineyard Can Ref Church with Timothy Project in the memo line, and sent to

Vineyard Canadian Reformed Church of Lincoln
attn. Sr Elsa DeVries,
4628 John Street, Box 831,
Beamsville, ON, L0R 1B0.

Receipts will be issued as requested. Please forward questions to us at DEACONS@LINCOLNVINEYARD.ORG or SSTULP@GMAIL.COM.

MORE Associations & Links of Interest

This is not a complete or comprehensive list  however many of the links you will find below should be helpful in understanding how we and our federation of Canadian Reformed churches fit into the world around us. The Reformational Study Centre and Christian Library are projects that the Vineyard Canadian Reformed of Lincoln actively supports. Please consider helping with this international effort if you are able.


Care Organisations


Homes for the Aged


Educational Organisations

The Christian Schools below serve to help the parents in their task to fulfill their covenant obligations to instruct their children in the Christian doctrine and to have them instructed therein to the utmost of their power, as they promised at the baptism of their children.